Let’s learn about another very interesting tool in Adobe Illustrator.
The Perspective Grid tool (Shift+V) and Perspective Selection tool (Shift+V) act together. You need both to unlock the full potential of the use of Perspective in Adobe Illustrator.
There are many ways to use the Perspective tools. They help me create mockups, packaging, building illustrations, and even infographics.
It might look complicated if you’re unfamiliar with the rules of perspective, but with some practice, you will see that it’s actually very easy. Let’s learn a lit about perspective in real life.
The rules of perspective are as follows. There are four parts of a perspective drawing: the horizon line, vanishing point, orthogonal lines, and three dimensional forms.
Perspective shows how objects appear smaller in size as they are farther into the distance. It adds depth to your flat images and makes them more attractive.
In the realm of art, three distinct types of perspective exist. one-point, two-point, and three-point. And what’s cool about this, you will get to experiment with these 3 types directly on Illustrator.
In this tutorial, I will show you two of my favorite ways to use the Perspective tools in Illustrator.
Check out how to use the Scissors Tool in Illustrator.
Where is the Perspective Tool?
It is very important to differentiate the Perspective Grid tool (Shift+V) from the Perspective Selection tool (Shift+V). The Grid from the overhead menu and side toolbar acts as guidance, and the Perspective Selection tool in the side toolbar helps you edit and manipulate your objects on the perspective grid.
The Perspective tools are right next to the Shape Builder.

For this tutorial, let’s start by opening a fresh document in Adobe Illustrator and selecting your preferred size document. There aren’t any specific document size values for this practice tutorial. We just need a blank space to work on.
From the overhead menu, go to View>Perspective Grid>Show Grid. The perspective grid will appear on your artboard. Keep this step in mind to control the look of your grid (change colors, choose one, two, or three points). From the overhead menu, you can choose the type of perspective that you need.
Once you make your grid visible, this is what you will see if you pick the 2-point perspective.
To control the grid and reposition points, you can pick the Perspective Tool from the side toolbar or use the shortcut (Shift + P).
There are three types of grids that you can select from the overhead menu View>Perspective Grid>One/Two/Three Point Perspective.
1 Point Perspective
2 Points Perspective
3 Points Perspective
Let’s create a cool retro background by choosing the One Point Perspective.
Start by using the Rectangle Tool (M) and creating squares.
It’s very important to get familiar with the Plane Switching Widget. The widget shows you which side of the perspective grid you’re working on. Right now, the bottom side (the Horizontal Grid) is selected.
If you want to switch sides, you can pick the Perspective Grid Tool again, and pick whichever side you want to place objects on.
Start by creating a rectangle from the corner shown in the image below.
Repeat the same process by adding more rectangles and changing their colors.
Now, select the right side of the box on the Switching Plane Widget to create vertical rectangles like shown below.
Make sure Command/Control + U is active so your smart guides are on. You will need to create as many rectangles as before. Change the colors.
Very cool!
Make your corners rounder with the Direct Selection Tool.
Here is what it will look like at the end. To hide the grid, from the overhead menu, go to view>Perspective Grid>Hide Grid
There you go! A cool retro background that you can use as a background to your designs.
Add a cool text.
Use the Perspective Selection Tool
Here is another awesome way to use the Perspective in Illustrator. This is an even better way to add depth to your flat illustrations.
Let’s draw the front of a building.
Now that we have created the building and added colors. Let’s group the whole drawing.
Now, from the overhead menu again, go to View>Show Grid.
The grid is visible again. Make sure this time you choose the two-point perspective from the same location.
From the side toolbar, select the Perspective Selection Tool or Shift + V.
On the Switching Widget, make sure to select the side (marked in orange here).
Drag the drawing you made onto the perspective grid. Adjust to your liking. And voila! This is the amazing result!
Repeat this step with the other side. Adjust with the Selection Perspective Tool. Try it yourself! The possibilities are endless.
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